Sunday, January 10, 2010

How does he do it?

A hard-line Armstrongist?

A Sabbath-keeping Church of God brother in Oregon brought this "Ambassador Watch" post to my attention:

How does he do it?

A few quotes from it in italics and my response:

David Ben-Ariel (original name David Hoover) is a hard-line Armstrongist (a former member of WCG in Toledo)

My name was legally changed from David Hoover to David Ben-Ariel twenty one years ago, for religious reasons, as related within my articles God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.

Now which is it? Armstrongist or Armstrongite? Those who hate the plain truth of the Bible that Herbert Armstrong faithfully taught are confused as to what they would brand us who agree with the Word of God over the idolatrous traditions of Catholics and Protestants, apostate Christians, Christian reprobates.

A hard-line Armstrongist? I've also been called a hard-core Zionist (since I'm a Christian-Zionist) and racist of the week since I believe racism is not the unpardonable sin! Life goes on.

he has fallen afoul of PCG after a dalliance with that group

Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Part 1)
Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)

he posts extreme far-right political and pro-Zionist material

Everything I post is biblical. It could appear "extreme far-right" to those out in left field or who have yet to align their ideas with God's Word (Isaiah 55:7-9) . I recognize that everything political has religious ramifications and everything religious has political ramifications. There's no escaping it. Why deny it?

Dangerous Ideas?
Separation of Church and State? Says Who?
God's One Government Has Two Branches!
When Caesar Plays God: When the State Oversteps its Bounds

He made the news in 1996.

How well I remember!

The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 8, 1996, had a front page story about how the GSS sought my deportation for alleged involvement in a "plot to blow up the Al-Aksa mosque." And now for the rest of the story:

Still At Large!

But let us not forget a full page article that appeared in the Galilee in 1982:

Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
(Israel Work History (Worldwide Church of God))

which led to a life-long friendship with Miriam Weiss:
Miriam Weiss: Kibbutz Mother and Holocaust Survivor

The Press published East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning in 2005.

Gerald Flurry didn't appreciate my brief appearance on the Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God

Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel

Hoover's fanaticism

It's rather fanatic to continue to call somebody by their former name rather than by their legal name, isn't it? Hoover is a great name but my surname is Ben-Ariel. It's also evident that my God-given determination and zeal isn't appreciated by those who lack such spiritual qualities. Regardless, my agenda is to serve the Great God of Israel, sharing the plain truth of His Bible and announce His soon coming Kingdom of God-Beings to rule on Earth and save all mankind from extinction. This clarity of mind, vision and purpose also includes serving as an emissary of Joseph (revealing the Israelite origins of the West). This God-given message must reach those high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion.

Despite being the most prolific COG blogger by a country mile, Hoover's influence appears to be minimal - in fact almost non-existent - within the various factions of COGdom.

God knows whatever influence I have now or later, as a little known blogger, as an e-vangelist, is irrelevant to my calling and responsibility to get the Word out (how folks respond is their responsibility, not mine), but what I do know is this:

‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).

Armstrong's shattered empire
Today, as prophesied, the brethren are scattered in different groups and organizations. Even as the early Church of God headquarters in Jerusalem was history just before their Great Tribulation, the destruction of the Temple and dispersion of the Jews, the Judean Church of God members fleeing to Pella (while the Church of God congregations continued to function in Asia Minor as the apostles carried on their God-given missions to the scattered tribes of Israel), the organized Work of God under Herbert W. Armstrong (that was centered in Pasadena, California) is history.- Gerald Flurry is an egomaniac and false prophet!
We await the appearance of the Two Witnesses who will restore, by their presence, the Church of God headquarters to Jerusalem.

For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel