Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ron Paul Warns of Dark Age

Re: Ron Paul Warns Of “Dark Ages” On Glenn Beck Radio Show [Audio]

We could move into a dark age if we don't wake up to what is really happening.

The treacherous globalists and criminal banksters are forging ahead with their nefarious plans for a dark age, disguising their NWO as an angel of light, as something that offers salvation and will deliver us from all evil - while holding all nations captive.

Banksters to the gallows!

American taxpayers to bail out foreign banks

Globalist Jews Serve German-Jesuit Masters

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-09-30 09:59:44 ET Reply Trace

Monday, September 29, 2008

EU is mad to give money to racist Zimbabwe!

EU gives extra EUR 10 million aid to Zimbabwe
25 September 2008, 20:03 CET

Restore Rhodesia!
Posted by David Ben-Ariel at 29 September 2008, 14:03 CET
Europe is mad. Not one word in defense of our White Israelite brethren (those of British or NW European origin) who continue to be targeted for being white for being robbed, raped and murdered. Yet the whole world was very race conscious when the whole country enjoyed White Rule. If Europe had any sense, they would spend their money to restore Rhodesia and refuse to fund any more black failures or national experiments, as the White Man is burdened enough. It's past time to restore peace and prosperity and sanity.

Jews, Christians, Biblical Festivals

Observant Jews, Christians, and biblical festivals
Re: Jews must make tough choice between work, school and religion

If you're an observant Jew, there are seven religious holidays in the next month that you will have to take off from work or school.

And if you're an observant Christian, a Sabbath-keeping Church of God member (who keeps the biblical Sabbath, festivals and dietary laws like Yeshua and the early Church of God), you take off the biblical days the Bible commands us to (without the additional days Judaism - for its traditional reasons - has tacked on).

If our Jewish brethren find it so difficult to love and obey God in their self- imposed exile, at least they can always opt to follow Judaism to the Jewish homeland where such holy days, the biblical festivals, are recognized and kept. Furthermore, the Holy Land of Israel is the ideal location to celebrate before the LORD!

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-09-29 13:13:52 ET Reply Trace

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama lives in an ebony tower

Obama lives in an ebony tower

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?

I watched the video and could again see that the BIG LIE that is Obama, who pretends to feel the pain of the little people, continues to hobnob with the rich and famous, the limousine liberals, the Afro-centric racists: Obama lives in an ebony tower with his hateful wife, Michelle (who despises white people but stays put in the United States rather than return to Africa where she belongs, just like all the other hypocrites in Jeremiah Wright's dark haven of hatred, a black hole) - out of touch, out of reach - like Nimrod.

Barack Hussein Obama is just another CFR tool, a bought and paid for prostitute, who offers a change that he doesn't believe in (as he knows better) since Obama is part of the problem (definitely not the solution), as documented, but hopes to continue to mislead the mesmerized, having learned how to talk to white people and play them for fools and use and abuse his black brethren as useful idiots.

John McCain also offers nothing new, as Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same CFR coin, globalist puppets, treacherous tools, but Chuck Baldwin for president of the United States would restore this Republic (it's not a democracy!) by upholding and enforcing the Constitution as legitimate servants of "We The People" know and understand they're entrusted to do.

"Stop being good Democrats...Stop being good Republicans...and start being Good Americans."
- Aaron Russo

Award-Winning Film Maker Says US Is Becoming Police State

Will God give us a respite with the election of Chuck Baldwin or is the writing on the wall and it's over? Enough is enough? Isn't the contrived economic crisis evidence of how spiritually bankrupt we've been for too long now and indictative of divine punishment on the way with the German-Jesuit EU throwing us into receivership: NATIONAL CAPTIVITY?

Banksters to the gallows!

Our Banks Are Going To Collapse

American taxpayers to bail out foreign banks


Saturday, September 27, 2008

American taxpayers to bail out foreign banks

Re: Germany Calling

Any foreigners who try to shove their hands into the pockets of U.S. taxpayers should have their hands cut off.

"Now, taxpayers are being asked to provide $700 billion to Wall Street. (I hope readers are aware that, not only will American banks be bailed out, but foreign banks will also be bailed out. Then again, at least half of the Federal Reserve is comprised of foreign banks, anyway.)"

- Chuck Baldwin
No Amnesty For Wall Street

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-09-27 20:41:06 ET Reply Trace

Herbert Armstrong and Worldwide Church of God

The Plain Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God

The Truth About NEW YEAR'S!

How did the celebration of New Year's Eve begin? Why is the beginning of a year placed in the middle of a dead winter? And where did the many customs surrounding it originate?

The Truth About NEW YEAR'S!

God Doesn't Ordain Women Preachers!

I just read an abominable article written by a proud and stubborn woman attempting to justify rebellious women doing what only God has ordained men to do: preach from the pulpit as ordained ministers.

NONE of the examples given proved her points and actually proved just the opposite. Sharing dominion over nature, Creation, is not the same as who has the right to preach. That is non sequitur and a dangerous leap in logic...

God Doesn't Ordain Women Preachers!

New World Order

Globalist Jews Serve German-Jesuit Masters

Friday, September 26, 2008

Banksters to the gallows!

Re: No Amnesty For Wall Street

Instead of sending these banksters on extended vacations to the Bahamas with millions of taxpayer dollars in their pockets, we should be sending them straight to jail!

That would be too merciful to the cruel: send the treacherous bastards to the gallows! And when will folks stop beating around the bush and acknowlege the fact that most of these "international bankers" are globalist Jews (who give Torah-observant Jews a bad name) intent on forging a New World Order for their German-Jesuit masters?

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-09-26 22:11:56 ET Reply Trace

Segregation Now!

Re: Obama Derided “Race Mixing” in “Dreams From My Father”

Race matters whether folks want to acknowledge it or remain in denial, until it’s too late.

God bless us all to live within the designated borders of diverse nations our Great Creator has decreed for us, all revolving around the Twelve Tribes of Israel whom God alone has called to ultimately become His Servant Nation, a light to all nations, a truly United Kingdom, One Nation Under God.

Deuteronomy 32:88
When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel.

Acts 17:2626 And [although] He [God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth [we're all human]… [yet He] has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings…

FATHER GOD KNOWS BEST, don’t you agree?

Comment by David BenAriel — September 26, 2008 @ 10:23 am


Al Sharpton is a race hustler like Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright, like Barack Obama, are hypocrites who claim to be Afro-centric but fail to return to Africa where they belong, extorting an imposed “white guilt” while complaining about how bad they have it here.

They are representative of the curse these white Israelite “Lands of the Covenant” (Artzot Habrit - Menashe ben Yosef) suffer from due to our idolatry and immorality (Daniel 9:11).

When “We The People” (Am Yisrael) get back in our place with God, they’ll be put back into their place, just like the Arabs in Israel, the blacks in Southern Africa, etc.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 26, 2008 @ 10:32 am


“What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.”
— Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273

“See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another. “Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”
— Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

Segregation is best for everybody

Comment by David BenAriel — September 26, 2008 @ 10:37 am

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Civil Rights Bowel Movement

Re: Obama Derided “Race Mixing” in “Dreams From My Father”

The United States has suffered severely due to the self-righteous “civil rights” bowel movement led by godless, liberal Jews with their accursed secular messianic drive. It’s one thing to correct a few wrongs, but another to throw the baby out with the bathwater! There goes the neighborhood, there goes the nation! Truly, race matters

It was good and biblical to have laws on our American books for segregation and against race-mixing, as such ethnic adultery is unnatural and amounts to genocide against each race involved, dishonors the heritage, the mothers and fathers who preceded such interracial sin, and causes confusion, destroying our God-given differences rather than celebrating diversity and maintaining it.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 25, 2008 @ 11:50 pm

The Holocaust

The Holocaust is a Jewish issue?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Holocaust and Jewish Hypocrisy


Meir Kahane noted the hypocrisy of Jews who cry about how the Gentiles didn’t do more to stop the Holocaust when the American Jewish establishment failed to lift a finger to help their brethren, and how European Jewish leaders even collaborated with the Nazis!

Never again? Shimon Peres, that bloody vulture who came to power over Rabin’s dead body, sells out Jerusalem and betrays Israel for his German-Jesuit masters. The Jews are their own worst enemy.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 24, 2008 @ 8:22 am

The Dutch are the tribe of Zebulon.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 24, 2008 @ 8:31 am

I made a point of visiting the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam years ago, as I traveled throughout Europe en route to Israel.

The Nazis are about as Christian as Communists, Socialists and the erev ra are Jewish.

There is nothing new under the sun, as far as the Twelve Tribes of Israel haven't always acted like family, especially when you consider the biblical account of the "holocaust" against Benjamin and how the first time the word Jews is used in the Bible it is when the Northern Kingdom of Israel, allied with Syria, fought against the Jews! (Further proof that Joes and Jews are not one and the same, regardless of those who would remain in denial of the biblical distinction between Jews and Israelites).

Islam In Action

Islam In Action
Interfaith Dialogue, What is it Good for?
Posted: 23 Sep 2008 01:47 AM CDT
As I am doing my research on the issue of Islam I sometimes come across articles speaking about interfaith dialogue. Interfaith sounds well and good but the question is what are the actual results of these meetings? Most recently there was a world wide interfaith conference sponsored by the Christian oppressing Saudis. As for Jewish people, they are not even allowed in Saudi Arabia. Just weeks later those same Saudis had over a dozen Christians deported from Saudi Arabia. The horrifying crime of these Christians was worshipping in their homes. Now on September 25Th there will be an interfaith dinner with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad taking place in NYC. The dinner is to break the Ramadan fast. How any self respecting person can sit and eat dinner with the President of Iran is beyond me, let alone Christians and Jews. The Iranian President has a clear agenda that is no one is going to change. He recently has stated that Israel will not survive in any shape or form and the Iranian government has recently voted in a bill calling for the death penalty of those that leave Islam for another religion. Talking to this so called man will not change a thing and it is a complete lesson in denial for those the extend their hands to him. Let us look at three so called "moderate" Islamic countries, starting with Jordan. The Jordanian government prohibits conversion from Islam and the proselytizing of Muslims. The government there has been enforcing this law, as they have recently arrested eight Evangelists for this offense. Secondly is our so called "ally" Egypt who we support by giving them $3 billion dollars a year. Coptic Christians have been persecuted there for centuries and most recently the Egyptian police themselves violently stopped Christians there from rebuilding the only Church in their area. The police even went so far as to hit three women who were helping with the repairs. The third so called "moderate" Islamic country that I will address today is Turkey. A September report shows that the Turkish army has been following Christian missionaries in Turkey and recording their every move. This is clearly an act of intimidation. It is clear that only one group benefits from interfaith dialogue and interfaith dialogue only has one result, that is Islam advancing in our societies. It is time to stop pretending and start protecting ourselves. It is time for a call to end all Mosque construction and Muslim immigration.
The Plain Truth about Imam Khattab

Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!

Muslims incited to kill Jews

Behind the Veil of Islam

Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists

Monday, September 22, 2008

Economic Collapse and War

Our Banks Are Going To Collapse

Re: Judgment Day on Wall Street

How many investment bankers are yet as scared for their own personal safety as the typical convenience-store clerk? When the average investment banker is wearing Kevlar instead of Brioni suits, then it really will be "Judgment Day On Wall Street."

Before it's all over, everybody is going to be affected by our economic collapse and even those in their ivory towers will come crashing down, as Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall warns:

OUR BANKS ARE GOING TO COLLAPSE, AND OUR ARMY WON’T BE ABLE TO MUSTER ANY STRENGTH! This national demoralization (we’ve only just begun to experience) will result in DEMOBILIZATION! We’re going down (Ezek. 7:14) in FLAMING DEFEAT!

The prophet Isaiah had two sons with symbolic names (Isa. 7:3, 8:1, 18). They’re to warn us of two major events about to take place: 1) OUR DESTRUCTION’S IMMINENT: THE BLITZKRIEG’S ABOUT TO BEGIN! (Maher-shalal-hash-baz). And 2) OUR HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS WILL RETURN HOME (Shear- yashuv)...

O Israelites! Who could beat Great Britain in battle, or whip the U.S. in war, when God shed His grace on thee? Europe could NEVER knock us down and kick us around—until now! Because GOD’S REFINING OUR GOLD IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION, AND PURIFYING OUR SILVER THROUGH GREAT TRIBULATION (Isa. 48:10).

David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-09-22 09:29:49 ET Reply Trace

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jews and Israelites

Biblical distinction between Jews and Israelites

Re: Patriotism and exceptionalism

readers who are unfamiliar with that ridiculous distinction that normal humans (who would consider a Joe also a Jew) don’t make, only nutcases like you do

Ridiculous distinction? What chutzpah and blasphemy! You slander all those holy men and prophets inspired to make such distinctions. It is historically and biblically important to make this distinction between Jews and Israelites and to be careful not to blur their identities (Ezek. 44:23). After all, God has devoted four books of the Bible to do just that!

However, it is easy to perceive why those captive souls steeped in the Babylonian Mystery religion of TRADITIONAL Christianity (who follow Roman wolves in sheep’s clothing with their accursed replacement theology of Sunday, pagan holidays pretending to be Christian and many other unclean doctrines and idolatrous ideas of their Gentilized Christianity) want to remain willfully ignorant of our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and keep others in the dark about it, blind to Joseph’s identity, because they’re proud and stubborn and unwilling to repent of their Gentile religious lies and tinsel traditions to return to the Faith once delivered and be restored and reconciled with our Father God, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Promised Land of Israel.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 21, 2008 @ 8:22 pm

Shocked by the Bible

WND failed to read Beyond Babylon

WorldNetDaily reports:
"Shocked by the Bible" is jam-packed with fantastic facts no one has dared to publish for general audiences.

Apparently WND and Joe Kovacs failed to read Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. Regardless, it's great to see others help spread the Word! Kudos to Kovacs!

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon fulfills the need to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God while emphasizing a warning to the world; it includes the truth about our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities; about God's Sabbath and Holy Days versus Satan's Sunday and pagan holidays; about Israel's demise and Europe's rise -- these are foundational truths.

Beyond Babylon builds upon that sure foundation by pointing out that it's the sorcerer-pope, the false prophet, who presents Europe's imminent leader as the Savior of "Christian Western Civilization;" he'll perform miracles in his presence urging Europe to remodel themselves after the "Holy Roman Empire" (Rev. 13:14). Together they'll create a counterfeit Kingdom of God.

Beyond Babylon also explains -- FOR THE FIRST TIME -- why there are two witnesses, what their mission and purpose is, why they're stationed in Jerusalem and how they fulfill the Elijah role.

British Israelites and Jewish Colonists

Joes and Jews are colonists by divine design!

Re:Patriotism and exceptionalism
re ‘manifest destiny’. wrong! you need to get your history straight and be very careful here.

Practice what you preach. Both the Bible and history testify to the plain truth of Manifest Destiny.

this idea was a philosophy used to justify the annihilation of native americans.

Was it? Who needed any justification if we truly wanted to commit genocide against those who were occupying the land before the rightful heirs arrived. Did the Americans annihilate the Beringian immigrants (so-called “Native Americans”)? No! We easily could have but we didn’t, so enough of your murderous lies against Joes (Joseph, specifically his son Menashe).

when you use your faulty analogy it opens jews up to being wrongly compared with the colonists. the colonists; however, were inspired by the torah as well as native american governance.

Both the Bible and history testify against your self-righteous rejection of Manifest Destiny, your blindness to Joseph’s identity. Whether or not you choose to remain in denial, both Joes and Jews are colonists, colonizing the lands God has given us, pioneers, settlers (and that’s a GOOD thing contrary to the politically correct cultists who would call good evil and evil good), especially Joseph “to the ends of the Earth.”

The Bible foretold Joseph would branch out with God’s blessing, to colonize and spread out to the far reaches of the Earth as our Great Creator ordained, and the Joes certainly have fulfilled these prophecies!

Deuteronomy 32:8
8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations,
When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family],
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the children of Israel [ethnocentric Bible with its focus on the family of Jacob: everything centers around Israel, nationally, internationally].

“Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well [water], whose branches run over the wall,” (Gen. 49:22).

“His glory is like the firstling [firstborn] of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of an unicorn [the unicorn is in the national seal of England] with them he [Joseph] shall push the people together to the ends of the earth; and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh,” (Deut. 33:13-17).

The Word of God proves Joes were to push out other peoples to make way for our Israelite inheritance, even as the Jews have pushed out some Arabs (but clearly not enough) to secure the Jewish homeland. Why resist the Word and Will of God and cry for pagan Gentiles rather than praise God for blessing Joseph and Judah?

Comment by David BenAriel — September 21, 2008 @ 10:14 am

Obama's "Change" echoes the BIG LIE of a "New South Africa"

The New South Africa blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of thousands of whites have been murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared.

http://www.dienuwesuidafrika.com | http://www.farmmurders.com | http://www.plaasmoorde.com

Recent Articles

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Imam Khattab

The Plain Truth about Imam Khattab

Blade religion editor David Yonke's article Book of sermons is a labor of love (about the book Islam: The Sermons of Imam A.M. Khattab by Dr. Nilofer Yusafzai) caught my attention. Especially since the only sermon I heard the Egyptian imam give at the mosque in Perrysburg, Ohio (occupied American farm land) was during a dinner-lecture tour the Worldwide Church of God singles attended as paying guests, followed by a question and answer session.

Dr. Yusafzai praises Imam Khattab and believes his lasting legacy will be "the wisdom he offered on Islam and his insights into the Qu'ran," yet when I asked Imam Khattab about some haddith (sayings attributed to Mohammad) that mentions Arabs fighting Jews in these last days and how Jews would hide behind trees and the tree wouldn't shelter the Jew but betrayed them (except for one tree), Imam Khattab played stupid and launched into a tirade against Jews, hatefully carrying on about how Jews create such spurious saying to discredit Islam and Arabs.

I then questioned Imam Khattab that if that wasn't a saying of Mohammad but a spurious saying created by Jews to discredit Islam and Arabs, why would he - the leader of the Islamic Community of Greater Toledo - then permit it to be published in their newsletter the previous month? (My friendly Arab student neighbors in Perrysburg township purposely brought it to my attention). He was speechless. Busted.

I have no respect for a man who presented one face to the public, pretending to promote peace and understanding between faiths, and in private among his Muslim community actually promote the death of Jews as "God's will" and then lie about it like a coward when it was exposed. The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo continues to cover up for Imam Khattab, feigning ignorance about the newsletter I saw with my own eyes or completely denying it dishonestly, "unable" to find the incriminating newsletter even though I informed them specifically it was the October or November 1985 issue.

Will Dr. Nilofer Yusafzai find the long "lost" document, having researched Imam Khattab extensively, or make sure to suppress it and perpetuate the fraud? It's in her hands and before God's eyes.

David Ben-Ariel

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nazism Rising!

Is Nazism Still Alive?

History shows Nazism went underground after World War II. How long will it be until it reemerges to torment the world again?

Europe of Right-Wing Extremists (II)

At an international congress to be held in Cologne over the coming weekend, right-wing extremist parties, from several EU nations, will seek to consolidate their cooperation.


Manifest Destiny Inspires Patriotism!

Re:Patriotism and exceptionalism

American or Israeli patriotism that is of substance is a patriotism based upon a strong biblical foundation, one that firmly believes in Manifest Destiny - whether Manifest Destiny for these “Lands of the Covenant” (Artzot Habrit) promised to B’nai Menashe (Joseph isn’t Jewish!) or Manifest Destiny for the Jewish homeland of Israel (presently held in trust by Judah for all Twelve Tribes of Israel).

Manifest Destiny! Such a spiritual drive and religious motivation works wonders! Without it, our Israelite family of nations are bankrupt and without meaning and purpose, wandering in bewilderment, an easy prey for the German-Assyrian eagle that rises again.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 19, 2008 @ 7:26 pm

No More Blondes?

A World Without Blondes?

Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
Originally Posted by Marvin View Post
Nice to see that you have
changed your views.
My views have remained the same concerning the difference between Jews and Israelites, knowing we are of the same ethnic stock, Jacob-Israel, but separated into two distinct kingdoms and later the Israelites, conquered by the fierce Assyrians (whose descendants are primarily the Germans today), migrated as prophesied NORTH and WEST and into the Isles.

If you knew the Bible, you would understand how our Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Semitic ancestors were fair skinned (like Laban - lavan means white), some undoubtedly blond, and how Sarah was so fair skinned it attracted undue attention, and how David was rosy-cheeked (not something you say about darker skinned peoples), etc. However, our great family of White Israelites and Jews enjoy hair of every shade and different eye colors.

Joseph, the son of Israel, was described in a Midrash (Genesis Rabah 86;3), as looking like a GERMANI (i.e. like someone from the North, very white, fair, according to Maimonides) and in another passage (Talmud Sota 36) as having a face that was "pink like a rose". It follows that Joseph was considered as having been of Nordic appearance which was a known familial trait since Joseph is also said to have looked exactly like his father. [On the other hand it is implied that Joseph was exceptional in this regard]. Joseph (Ephraim and Menasseh) was the leading tribal group in the Northern Kingdom. - THE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF
Speaking of beautiful blondes...

Those who love how beautiful the German Heidi Klum is as a blonde should understand that her sinful interracial marriage (Oprah loves to pimp) commits genocide against her white racial line, as smooth singer Seal commits genocide against his black racial line. No more pure blacks or blondes in their adulterated family line that dishonors their heritage.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Openly Zionist

Christian Zionist Orde Wingate

Re: George W. Bush’s True Legacy

That you are openly Zionist (Your writings and blog) Leaves me with some intuitive doubts. When a non Jew is holier than Herzl the question comes up Why? It isn’t love for the Jews ( if yes what type of Jew are you referring to?) and except for some geographical sites you probably don’t care much about the Land, O yes the Bible told you so, Right?

I’m sure Christian Zionist Orde Wingate heard such snide comments too, as he lived in Eretz Yisrael (promised to all Twelve Tribes of Israel) and did all he could to help the Jews and didn’t permit the prejudice of some to hinder his God-given purpose.

Christian Zionist Orde Wingate respected Jews but recognized Joseph isn’t Jewish and that family fact, that historical/biblical detail, didn’t disturb those Jews around him with “intuitive doubts,” any more than those Jews on the 8 kibbutzim I’ve lived on (see From Toledo to Jerusalem) or my Torah-observant friends throughout Israel had any problem with my understanding of the Hebrew roots and Israelite origins of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples, and the Israeli leaders didn’t lose sleep over the fact that Herbert W. Armstrong believed the same with whom they met time and again, including former Mayor Teddy Kollek even presenting him (at a banquet in his honor in Jerusalem) with an Israeli sculpture of David (since Kollek knew Armstrong considered himself a scion of David through the British Royal Family).

Comment by David BenAriel — September 17, 2008 @ 12:27 pm

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bush's Luciferian legacy

George W. Bush’s True Legacy

By Mario Goveia


Bush’s Luciferian legacy is one that helped put nails in the coffin of our Constitution and launched deliberate attacks against our liberties under Orwellian pretense of “protecting” them; globalist Bush has prepared the wicked way for whatever CFR puppet who follows him to declare martial law without congressional approval or understanding of why for six months (too late when everything will have been “rearranged” as planned and now the law of the land); CFR and globalist banker puppet Bush has murderously lied to the American people and used our loved ones as fodder for the Military Industrial Complex while coddling terrorists in the White House at taxpayers’ expense; rewarded terrorists by expelling Jews rather than sworn Arab enemies from holy land in Israel; has refused to protect our borders or enforce our laws against illegal immigrants; and this is just the tip of the iceberg about to sink our ship if “We The People” don’t cry out to God to save us (2 Chron. 7:14) and do whatever is necessary to save ourselves.

As for the AIDS band-aid and such that only enrich the pharmaceutical drug lords (and whatever kickbacks the president and fellow politicians enjoy from such publicity stunts), why should American taxpayers be forced to care for others when many can’t afford to care for themselves or their loved ones?

Comment by David BenAriel — September 16, 2008 @ 9:24 pm

From Freedom to Fascism

"Stop being good Democrats...Stop being good Republicans...and start being Good Americans." I just finished watching the disturbing film - "America: Freedom to Fascism" and encourage all my fellow American citizens to do the same, think about it, talk about, and act accordingly, so help us God.

Award-Winning Film Maker Says US Is Becoming Police State

Re: Mandela - The Legend and the Legacy

A new comment on the post "Mandela - The Legend and the Legacy":

I fear that in years to come the biggest ANC lie will prove to be the one they told their own people.

Throughout the struggle they promised free housing, jobs for all, free education and utter freedom. So when 1994 came around the people who put them in power wanted the fruits of electing the ANC into power. And they wanted their promised share NOW.

The shock of actually having to work to get that matric certificate, the shock of freedom actually only meaning opportunity, the shock of having to pay for the new electricity connection, the shock of having to pay rent and the shock of having to live amongst rampant criminals thanks to a corrupt and lazy police service has resulted in people taking a step back and saying... "what the...?"

Now, as in Zim, the government will shoulder NO responsibility for the fact that certain little things in life eg education and health care have almost collapsed since their taking over the systems. Instead, they will incite their still VERY un-educated supporters to take up arms, fight the counter-revolutionary forces, the shadowy unseen third force enemies etc etc. Read the whites. They will continue to blame the whites for their current dilemma without questioning the role played by a lot of power hungry, money grabbing and totally status obsessed leaders.

They will continue to demand that the system give more and more and more, until the tap runs dry. The over fed government will lull them into a false sense of things actually changing by changing a few street and town names, by insisting that the most loud mouthed of the group be employed in senior positions and by singing about machine guns and revolution. But nobody will actually get on with that pesky little issue of making the country work. Oh no, that takes FAR too much effort.

Democrats playing the race card...again

Democrats accuse locals of being racist toward Obama
"Race - that's the only reason people in the Valley won't vote for him"

Even if that were true, isn't it their prerogative? After all, we know that the only reason the vast majority of blacks are voting for Obama is race. Why the double standard? Why the typical hypocrisy of the politically correct cultists? Don't folks down on the plantation of the Democrats realize we can see through them and it's ugly?

The bankrupt Democrats are banking on "white guilt" and are hoping to cash in on reverse psychology.

President Barack Obama sound good to you?
Sounds good for Africa, Asia or some Arab country - but not for the United States of America. I'm not some silly woman all googley-eyed over Barack Hussein Obama (sounds like Osama, doesn't it?) or some self-hating or misguided white person who feels I must vote for the black man to prove to the racist PC masters I'm not racist.

For the record, I'm voting for Chuck Baldwin for president.

I was wondering when they'd play the race card.

The Obamatons have been playing it since day one. However, if Americans had any clue about world history it would backfire against the PC cultists.

If Whites would learn to be properly race conscious and learn from history, such information would definitely work against Black Marxists like BO and undermine those who would pimp Hussein as a new messiah (remember he was indoctrinated in BLACK Liberation Theology - that leaves the useful white idiots out of his plans for "salvation").

A Warning for America from South Africa
It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam

Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
Originally Posted by Marvin View Post
Always thought you were nordic.
I'm English, Irish, Celtic, Scotch and "German" (Alsace-Lorraine/Palatinate) - all members of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.

John Mervin: Risingsun, Ohio Pioneer

German-American Israelites?

Is that why you think that YHWH is Odin?
I'm not a confused Roman Catholic cult member who indulges in mixing and matching paganism with some biblical truths to mislead the masses and entice the simple. Just look at the deceptive history of the accursed Roman Catholic Cult with its whitewash of Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Sunday and other pagan hollow daze. Shame, shame.

No wonder the bloody Vatican has always declared war on the Jews and the Sabbath-keeping Church of God for exposing their demonic replacement theology that would substitute baptized paganism for the biblical Sabbath and festivals Yeshua, the Prophets, the Apostles, the early Church of God with its converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles faithfully kept, and soon the whole world will learn to observe also when Rome and its mass deception of a Gentilized Jesus, a counterfeit Christianity, another gospel, a different spirit, are history.

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent

Come Lord Yeshua!


Martin Luther King Day?

I had a letter published in The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) and sent to President Reagan, pleading with him not to commit the folly of creating any foolish "Martin Luther King Day." Our fellow black Americans, generally speaking, still hated President Reagan after the fact and still don't practice the good things (there were some good things - they weren't all plagiarized were they?) King preached.

If we're to be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin, why continue to demand quotas and curves and tolerate such racist organizations as the NAACP?

Why doesn't somebody do a documentary on those humble folk marching back then (with their useful idiot whites, too many liberal Jews) with a split screen exposing "niggas with attitude" (a black phrase), the rampant crime, outrageous rates of illegitimacy, unemployment by choice, gangs, welfare projects, black on black violence (not to mention assault on others), the "menace to society" mentality (another black phrase, thanks to excellent director Albert Hughes), disproportionate black prison population and the verbal lynching concerned blacks suffer mercilessly when they dare speak out against such inexcusable poverty of the spirit and moral degradation, slavery to sin and self-destruction?

It is appropriate on this black holiday (and that's what it amounts to, in all honesty), to consider this issue of race from a biblical perspective that those horribly brainwashed by the politically correct cult hate with a passion and rage against in vile anarchist fashion, drowning out any reason and voice other than their own.

Regardless, this biblical truth must be shared, must be made known, while we still have the freedom to exercise our God-given rights of speech and religion.

Is interracial marriage wrong? Did God intend for the races to be separate? Did God divide the nations, segregate the peoples, to preserve distinct family ties?

The plain truth is made known in Race Matters.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


From Judith Ann Klinghoffer:

In the good, old tradition of revolutionaries, Obama hides in plain print. So, before listening to his speech, it's worth while to note the following passages from his autobiography:

On p. 94-95 he describes an effective tactic to deal with White people:

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved - such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

Indeed, when he was a community organizer (age 22 prior to going to law school) he happily cooperated with Rafiq, a former gangster turned Nation of Islam. He even believed that Black Nationalism was a good therapy for Blacks. That was also the reason he supported Wright(p. 190-200. For he shares Michelle's sentiments of alienation, came to believe that race should trump everything and it should be anti-white:

. . . :all the black people who, it turned out, shared with me a voice that whispered inside them - "You don't really belong here."

In a sense, then, Rafiq was right when he insisted that, deep down, all blacks were potential Nationalists. The anger was there, bottled up and often turned inward. And . . . I wondered whether, for now at least, Rafiq wasn't also right in preferring that that anger be redirected; whether a black politics that suppressed rage towards white generally, or one that failed to elevate race loyally above all else, was a politics inadequate to the task.

It was a painful thought to consider, as painful now as it has been years ago. it contradicted the morality my mother had taught me, a morality of subtle distinctions- between individuals of goodwill and those who wished me ill, between active malice and ignorance of indifference. I has a personal stake in that moral framework; I'd discovered that I couldn't escape it if I tried. And yet perhaps it was a framework that blacks in this country could no longer afford; perhaps it weakened black resolve, encouraged confusion within the ranks. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and for many blacks, times were chronically desperate. If nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, of the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence.

If nationalism could deliver. As it turned out, questions of effectiveness, and not sentiment, cause most of my quarrels with Rafiq.

In other words, Barack was willing to sacrifice his mother and his grandparents on the alter of black nationalism. His sentiments were in lime with those of Rafiq, the Nation of Islam activist. That is the reason he chose a black nationalist church run by "Reverend Wright" who explained to him (p.284):

"Life's not safe for a black man in this country, Barack. Never has been. Probably never will be."

Sorry, guys, but there is nothing post racial about Barack. He has merely learned that it is advantagious to convince whites that he is.

Is Halloween Harmless?

Every year at Halloween, well-meaning parents dress their children in grotesque and ghoulish costumes. Is Halloween really harmless? Who and what's behind this bizarre holiday?

Is Halloween Harmless?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

ANC to forge 'a militant youth league'

Received this email from a friend in South Africa this morning:

ANC to forge 'a militant youth league'

What's the Key to Real Leadership?

Everywhere we look we see a great need for real leadership. But what is real leadership? What is its foundation? Can someone be a good leader without displaying real leadership?

What's the Key to Real Leadership?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!

One day -- I'll never forget it -- my former "Palestinian" student-neighbors purposely showed me a newsletter from the Islamic Center in Perrysburg, Ohio that had a story from the Haddith -- sayings attributed to Mohammad -- that spoke of a war in the last days between Jews and Muslims, and how Jews would hide behind trees and the trees would say, "There's a Jew behind me, kill him!" except for one tree that would shelter the Jews..

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The New Mediterranean Union: Seeds of a New Roman

A media circus was in full swing as U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was greeted in the Middle East and Europe as a political superstar in late July 2008. But a potentially far more important development in that part of the world the week before garnered little attention...

The New Mediterranean Union: Seeds of a New Roman Empire?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Danger Lurks in America’s Backyard

Danger Lurks in America’s Backyard
by Brad McDonald

American foreign policy is concentrated on the Middle East, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, a deadly threat lurks much closer to home.

Earlier this year I wrote about how Hugo Chavez had transformed Venezuela into a hub for international terrorist organizations of all shapes and sizes, their state sponsors, and participants in the black-market trade of nuclear materials and technology:..


Revealing article except it left out the German Assyrian connection and sponsorship of such terrorists and how they play into the German-EU agenda to betray the United States, including recruiting South American armies.

Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted by Terrorists? Will Providence permit foreign murderers in our midst (in attitude, if not yet in action) to unleash nuclear fires within our major cities? Will militant minorities work with them against us? Won't our British-Israelite brethren suffer the same within their respective biblical inheritances?

Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists

Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!

Africa is not for sissies

Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Mandela - The Legend and the Legacy. Part 2":


thank you for a very good read.I am a south african and it is nice to see someone else understanding it like i do because i was starting to think i was going mad. the problem is that because of all the past and present problems south Africa faces we ( White - South Africans) can no longer pack up and leave as many of us would like. no one will have us and because we are not "at war" we cannot even become refugees. in the last year Ive been mugged twice, my handbag was stolen on 2 separate occasions as well, and i am one of the lucky ones.
i would advise anyone thinking of coming here for the 2010 world cup to prepare mentally for it beforehand. don't be surprised if u get mugged, your room or is broken into, your luggage is stolen or you become involved in a accident because these happen on a daily basis. This is a beautiful country with lots of promise and potential, but shamefully this is all being washed down the drain. the ruling president of the ANC is currently up on fraud and corruption cases, he has 12 wives, and he slept with a woman with aids and explained he took a shower after to prevent getting aids himself. now i ask you if this is our next president, what type of a role model is he to the youth and what message does he send out to the rest of the world?Sadly things here will get much worst before they get any better. But as they say: "Africa is not for sissies"
thank you again

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Re: It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!

Originally Posted by Bignose View Post
British Israelism
The Plain Truth About British Israelism

What is British Israelism and is it Biblical?

You Pirates are always stealing, and worse.
No, that's the Nazi-Muslims (coveting the Promised Land of Israel, stealing portions of Scripture) and Roman Catholics (replacement theology and perverting Scriptures in a vain attempt to justify their Babylonian Mystery religion) and even some Indian and African converts to Judaism pretending to be ethnic Israelites.

Christian identity. Which sect of Christianity?
That's a knee-jerk stereotype. Apparently you're woefully ignorant that there are Jews who also understand the Hebrew roots and Israelite origins of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtics and White peoples of NW Europe, such as Brit Am in Jerusalem.

"Christian Identity" and such give a bad name to British-Israelites and Christianity, as liberal Jews do to Judaism and Catholics and Protestants do to Christianity.

David Ben-Ariel Faces the Aryan Nations

Aryan Nations to be Deported by Germany!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Sugarcoats John McCain

I'm voting for Chuck Baldwin since Ron Paul quit running. Sarah Palin appears very intelligent and qualified but she is window dressing for CFR tool John McCain. Sarah Palin is the sugarcoating on his poison, the pretty face that masks John McCain's globalist agenda. She is pro-life but he isn't, etc.

God bless America,
David Ben-Ariel

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Segregation is best for everybody

Segregation is best for everybody

"What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races."

— Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273

"See our present condition---the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another's throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another.

"Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated."

— Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

Abraham Lincoln Was A White Supremacist

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America

Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!

Obama's Race and Religion

Hoping his religious ties to Jeremiah Wright will go away, Barack Obama quietly announced his resignation from Trinity United. But before we dismiss the issue, a look at Obama’s memoirs provides important context. After receiving enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination on Tuesday night, Barack Obama said he looked forward to debating John McCain’s very different policies and positions. “It is a debate the American people deserve,” Obama said. “But what you don’t deserve,” he continued, hoping to frame the upcoming presidential debates more narrowly, “is another election that’s governed by fear, and innuendo, and division. What you won’t hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge, and patriotism as a bludgeon—that sees our opponents not as competitors to challenge, but enemies to demonize” (emphasis mine).

It remains to be seen how much of a wedge issue Barack Obama’s disturbing association with Jeremiah Wright will be in the upcoming general election. But if it does factor into the outcome, it is he—not his political opponents—who made it a wedge issue...

While at Columbia, Barack decided he wanted to be a community organizer—a profession that would allow him to make use of his college experience as a black activist. After a lengthy job search which turned up no leads, he finally got a call from a white Chicagoan who had recently started an organizing drive.

During the interview a week later, after asking Barack why he wanted to be an organizer, the man said, “You must be angry about something.”

“What do you mean by that?” Barack asked.

“Don’t get me wrong,” the man later explained. “Anger’s a requirement for the job"...

Click here to continue

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?

Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?
by IsraelNN Staff

(IsraelNN.com) Historians and Biblical scholars say that King Solomon had a sophisticated navy which voyaged the world in exploration, looking for iron, gold and other materials to build the Holy Temple.

Many shipping ports, settlements and colonies were established in places all over the Mediterranean and North African region, as well as Europe and the Americas. Did some of the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom escape on ships to distant lands to escape the Assyrian onslaught and subsequent exile?

In an interview with Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah, Historian Steve Collins talks about where some of these tribes may have migrated to, including the New World, long before Columbus discovered America.




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Tamar Yonah is a longtime show host, activist, wife and mother from Judea and Samaria. She hosts the Tamar Yonah Show live on Israel National Radio.

Israel in the Isles
"LISTEN, O isles, unto me: and hearken, ye people from afar" (Isa. 49:1);
and then makes the declaration:
"Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified." (v. 3)

The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?

The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
In order to warn Israel about the many prophecies that preview our coming captivity (due to our idolatry and immorality), it was first necessary for God to restore our identity. God has now restored our identity, He's again warning our nations, and it's up to us what will happen next.

German-American Israelites?
"Born German, Made American" by Nicholas Kumanoff in The Atlantic Times, reveals how "to prove their patriotism, immigrants abandoned their old identities."

Joseph isn't Jewish!
My sojourn at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan, where I served as a kibbutz volunteer for five months in 1982-1983, blessed me with memories to cherish a lifetime.

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
According to the rabbis, the "Lost Ten Tribes" are for all intents and purposes "Gentiles." This information constitutes further proof that the "Lost Ten Tribes" are not those diverse claimants (African, Indians, Burmese) who maintain remnants of Judaism from somebody's former conversion or contact with the religion of Judaism.

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
Some, in clear contradiction of the Holy Bible, pretend that all Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish. Such woefully ignorant or deceptive people deny the biblical distinctions between the 12 Tribes and pretend there's only one tribe: Judah.

The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights


Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and others all represent the curse of reverse discrimination, the tail wagging the dog, the animals running the farm, the serious consequences for White Israelite disobedience to God (Deuteronomy 28:43).

The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights

South Africa: no-win situation

South Africa: no-win situation

To the Editor of The Blade:

Your would-be editorial about South Africa "Simple as black and white" reveals your ignorance about that besieged republic.
Only to simple minds is everything black and white. Apartheid has been the scapegoat for many evils, but now that it's basically been abandoned everyone's true colors are showing: it's black against black, white against white, blacks and whites against each other, as well as the colored (mulattoes) and Indians taking their turns in the racial ring.
South Africa is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't. Your idiotic idea that South Africa is moving "forward" to a new society in which blacks and whites can live together on an equal basis has no basis in reality.
Apartheid safeguards the white minority, but is condemned by the hypocritical, feuding "family of progressive nations." Democracy will destroy everything that the Euro-Afrikaaners have built up, but will ensure black power since they outnumber whites 10 to 1.
Which blacks would you have rule? There are over 12 tribes that swear allegiance only to themselves. You often report on their factional fighting and killing.
As for Nelson Mandela, I thought he was released from prison on condition that he renounce violence and forswear politics. Yet he's refused to disband the terrorist branch of his ANC organization and prepares to become president.
I spent seven glorious weeks this winter in South Africa, three of which I stayed with colored friends in Cape Town. Many whites, as the referendum revealed, want honest changes. But they don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Friday, The [Toledo] Blade,
April 3, 1992

A Warning for America from South Africa
It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

Stop terrorist Nelson Mandela!

Is it not very strange how the whole world is ignoring the apparent Genocide being committed against the white people in South Africa?

How Evil was Apartheid?
How does one measure evil? Is there such a thing as a universal 'index' according to which deeds of evil can be judged? If we, for example, take the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the final arbiter of what is evil and what is not, how could we then judge Zimbabwe as being more evil than, for example, China and Saudi Arabia – two countries enjoying marvelous ties with the West despite their abysmal human rights records.
